Barcelona's Clase BCN show off a pair of beautifully bound new publications
Clase BCN are an international Barcelona-based design studio specialising in print, fashion, signage and web. Founded by Claret Serrahima in 1978 they have a pedigree that few small studios can match, with a team numbering only ten and an output that’s as polished as they come. Eschewing any specific style, the studio very much maintains a holistic approach to the design process and has amassed a crisp and communicative body of work throughout all areas of their practice.
Having worked with almost every type of client out there it’s tricky to choose exactly which pieces of work to show you, but their beautifully bound books are pretty delicious, so for the time being sink your teeth into these sumptuous volumes.
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James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.