Carl Kleiner has gone done it again with his high fashion geometry for V Magazine
Even if you live under bedrock, it’s very likely Carl Kleiner’s impossibly bright, sharply cast still-life’s have penetrated the darkness of your existence (and you are all the better for it). In the past few years, his eye for golden-ratio compositions that set inanimate objects in dramatic contrast to block colours, light and each other have elevated these random items to sculptural status.
He and a few other select photographers are responsible for really pushing the bar on this high-end, easily accessible imagery that can turn a staid fashion-spread product shoot into the absolute star of the show – as exemplified in this latest unashamedly gorgeous work for V Magazine which is a real lesson in style and precision geometry.
Carl Kleiner for V Magazine
Carl Kleiner for V Magazine
Carl Kleiner for V Magazine
Carl Kleiner for V Magazine
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Bryony was It’s Nice That’s first ever intern and worked her way up to assistant online editor before moving on to pursue other interests in the summer of 2012.