Illustration: Benjamin Phillips's fantastic interpretation of evolution seen from a birds eye view
So evolution is a fascinating thing, linking us to monkeys and fish, making our ears get smaller, our bodies taller and somehow causing us to have nearly identical DNA to bananas. For illustrator Benjamin Phillips however it has allowed him to think about the uniqueness of humans; how though we might all see through eyes, smell through small holes in our face and hear through two holes in our heads, our experiences amount to different memories, stories and people as a whole. Through our individual experiences we evolve into different people.
So when he was approached by SSE Project to respond to the brief Bird’s Eye Evolution Benjamin tried to show this. And his illustrations are fantastic, simply drawn bodies with disproportionate limbs that show relationships evolving, moods changing, sharks transforming into birds, into humans who then morph backwards into dogs. His interpretation reveals evolution as a conglomeration of experience, they show the idea of evolution as it has been digested and understood by humans as they have evolved.
Just one of Benjamin’s vast collection of published work, we look on in awe at his spiky style with a particular soft spot for his hilarious pet portraits.
Benjamin Phillips: Bird’s Eye Evolution
Benjamin Phillips: Bird’s Eye Evolution
Benjamin Phillips: Bird’s Eye Evolution
Benjamin Phillips: Bird’s Eye Evolution
Benjamin Phillips: Bird’s Eye Evolution
Benjamin Phillips: Bird’s Eye Evolution