Art: Bryan Olson has made some new collages and they're still strange and great
We were definitely wowed the first time round by Bryan Olson’s surrealist collages, so when we clocked that he’d updated what was an already admirable collection of work, we were the first to demand a leg-up onto his bandwagon. The latest additions to his bizarre compositions are largely concerned with gems and planetary matter of all shapes and sizes and preferably with tiny little people gazing up at them, awestruck. It’s an absurd world that Bryan has fashioned, scissors in one hand, Pritt-Stick (maybe) in the other, but his excellent execution allows his images to take on a startling reality. So much so that you almost feel like you’re watching a retro 1970s science documentary…
Bryan Olson: Northern Lights
Bryan Olson: Fragility
Bryan Olson: Warm Air
Bryan Olson: Gem Club 3
Bryan Olson: Kryptonite
Bryan Olson: Gem Club 2
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.