No need to bury time capsules for future generations thanks to Anywhen

22 April 2013

I remember when making your own time capsule used to be a big deal, the pressure to compress your life into a small space was not to be taken lightly. Now the fine folk from Retronaut have used the internet and its infinite space to bring us Anywhen. The concept is still the same, but with the ability to categorise the date, and theme of the item, you can spend hours, even days, just looking through bizarre and kooky fragments of the past. Expect anything, from an early Michelin Man sporting a cigar and roller-skates, to strange Japanese map illustrations.


Anywhen: Chris Wild – 1950s


Anywhen: Clinton Montague – 1993


Anywhen: Freak Of The Week – 1980s


Anywhen: John Valickas – 1900s


Anywhen: Darren Wilshaw – 1930s


Anywhen: Simon Mallindine – 1900


Anywhen: John Valickas – 1950s

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Holly Wilkins

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