Take a deep breath and enjoy Alban Grosdidier's Drowning project
French photographer and graphic designer Alban Grosdidier has decided to submerse his subjects in water for his metaphoric series Drowning. These guys are holding their composure pretty well seeing as there is definitely a claustrophobic feel about them. Not just wanting to get people in the bath, he explains to Galo Magazine what the project means:
“In French, we have this expression that says, “having your head underwater,” which would be translated by being under a lot of stress, a tremendous amount of work, or [working at] a highly-tensed pace. I think those situations can be described as direct consequences of city life. They’re not exclusive, obviously, but they still characterize it pretty well.”
Alban Grosdidier: Drowning
Alban Grosdidier: Drowning
Alban Grosdidier: Drowning
Alban Grosdidier: Drowning
Alban Grosdidier: Drowning