Chrissie Abbott

23 April 2009

Little Boots is an artist that is about to become a huge deal in the UK with the release of her first single and album in the coming months. Aside from the undoubted excitement surrounding her music, there should also be plenty of thrilled eyes when her sleeve artwork is finally released too. The brains and hands behind the sleeves is the exceptionally talented Chrissie Abbott, bringing all things psychadelic and fantastical into her compositions. Already building up a huge body of work for Little Boots along with tons of other projects she is another young female not to be ignored.

When did you first hear Little Boots’ music?

She sent me some work in progress tracks when I started working on the logo and artwork.

How did working with her come about?

I think she’d seen my work somewhere and so I met up with her and we talked about things we both liked which included space, magical realism, Kate Bush and the Beach Boys.

How important is it to listen the album before creating the artwork?

I’d say its pretty much essential if you want to convey the record properly, the artwork and music should go hand in hand so I sort of think there’s no point in making an image that is unrelated. Also, I personally have to like what I’m visually interpreting otherwise it ends up being a bit two dimensional and dead, I think there should be a bit of joy involved in the process.

Would you buy the record if you hadn’t done the sleeve?

I listen to her music even when I’m not working on her stuff so yes would be the answer.

Is the cover true to the rest of your work?

Yeah I think so, obviously its more Little Boots directed as she has had a lot of input into the ideas behind it all but the style and content is definitely in keeping with what I do.

What’s your favourite ever piece of cover artwork?

Oh there are sooo many that I love this is really hard, maybe Cream – Disraeli Gears, Love – Forever Changes and a massively obvious one The Beatles – Revolver. Sorry for being greedy.

What else are you working on at the moment?

More Tshirts for 2k ( More Little Boots stuff including a limited edition 12" picture disk, and I’m in the process of customising a massive wooden kitchen cabinet for a friend which is fun because its nice to work in 3d for a change and not at my desk.

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Alex Bec

Alex is the CEO of It’s Nice That. He oversees the commercial side of It’s Nice That, Creative Lives in Progress and If You Could Jobs.

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