Sagmeister Inc. Updates

17 December 2010

Sagmeister Inc., like its founder, Stefan need no real introduction. Legends of the graphic design industry, there’s not a design enthusiast out there who shouldn’t be well-versed on their output. This week they re-launched their site, as a big-brother-esque live feed direct from their office, but more importantly crammed full of a comprehensive archive of their work. We caught up with Jessica Walsh from the studio itself to find out a little more.

Hi Jessica, can you explain to our readers what makes your new site so special?

You can watch us live while we work, which is certainly different from most studio websites. Whether or not it is interesting is up to the viewer! I’ve always been intrigued by what goes on in different types of design studios, and this makes our studio life very transparent. We are still getting used to living in a giant website!

You’re a small team – did everyone have input into the project?

Richard The is the designer / technical genius behind the website and camera, he realized the project alongside Stefan and another developer. Of course being such a small studio, all the designers even a few interns have either touched the project and had input along the way.

The biggest decision was the camera angle which we spent many months trying out. At one point we tried to sneak onto the roof of the building across the street to have the camera looking into the windows of the studio instead of having it inside the studio, but i’m not sure that would have been as reliable or legal. In the end we all agreed the top fish eye angle was the best.

Do you still have a printed portfolio at Sagmeister Inc.?

There are printed materials of our work, along with the two Sagmeister books which are good portfolios in of themselves. Of course the direction of portfolios is going towards digital, especially with laptops and iPads so portable. It was definitely time for the website update.

What have you got planned for 2011?

Stefan will also be working on filming a documentary, and the studio has several identity, book, and web design projects on the way. You could watch us working late this week as we finish up the work before the holidays. It will be great to be able to update the world with the work on the new website in 2011.

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About the Author

Alex Bec

Alex is the CEO of It’s Nice That. He oversees the commercial side of It’s Nice That, Creative Lives in Progress and If You Could Jobs.

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