Dokter and MissesWordsConor Cronin—Date9 June 2010WorkA Joburg (Johannesburg, South Africa) based design company specialising in furniture, lighting, and minimal design objects.Share ArticleFurther Infowww.dokterandmisses.withtank.comAbout the AuthorConor Cronin—Related contentI’m obsessed!: Why following fixations makes our creative work better2 days agoFeaturesArt...Koto on cooking up recipes for the future of branding2 days agoNicer TuesdaysWork...“You’re not doomed”2 days agoIf You CouldWork...“An open door to our inner worlds”: Revue Maison is the magazine dedicated to interpretations of home2 days agoWorkGraphic Design...It's Nice That NewslettersFancy a bit of It's Nice That in your inbox? Sign up to our newsletters and we'll keep you in the loop with everything good going on in the creative world.Email address:Subscribe