2009 Review: Rob Matthews

28 December 2009

Rob Matthews graduated from the University of Brighton this year and caught our eye sufficiently to be involved in lots of things for us. Firstly, he was part of our graduates feture, then gave a talk in our first series and finally was one half of the first It’s Nice That published zine, If Drawings Were Photographs.

“This is my friend Joe Read holding up a tall chair with fishing wire, whilst we were taking a photo for If Drawings Were Photographs. I chose this picture as most of this year was spent either working or eating food at Joes.”

Mark out of 9 for 2009?

It’s been a really good year and a lot has happened, I’ve really enjoyed it; there’s been a lot of changes and I miss being in education. An 8.

Best new discovery?

A family run Indian restaurant in Brighton called Planet India, butdoesitfloat.com, The Company of People, and David Attenborough’s Life

Best idea?

One I had for an interactive website that questions the value of shared images on the internet; I don’t want to say much about it but It should hopefully launch in a couple of months.

What were you doing this time last year?

I was probably writing my dissertation and watching Home Alone 2.

What broke? How did you fix it?

The TV in our old house kept breaking but it would turn on again if we hit it.

What piece of work really stood out for you?

Lost in a moment by Dennis Wheatley and Stefan McClean. Although someone else has already posted it, the UK folding plug by Min-Kyu Choi. And my friend Chris Smith’s work

Favourite Book/Album/Film?

Film: Let the Right One In"; I thought the whole film was so well considered and the cinematography was beautiful. Album: Although it didn’t come out this year, the album I’ve listened to the most is the Royal Tenenbaums soundtrack Book: I found a book from the 50s called The Ascent of Everest by John Hunt, which is an account of the planning behind a team climbing Everest; there’s some great portrait photos of the planning/climbing team in there. Also All Americanweber.htm by Bruce Weber (I can’t afford to own it though!).

Did you get Swine Flu?


What are you going to miss about 2009 and what are you looking forward to in 2010?

I’m going to miss being in education and my friends from Brighton. I’m looking forward to being in New York and doing new work.

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About the Author

Alex Bec

Alex is the CEO of It’s Nice That. He oversees the commercial side of It’s Nice That, Creative Lives in Progress and If You Could Jobs.

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