We only seemed to receive little books and packages in the post this week – which is not a bad thing at all, especially when they’re as diverse as this bunch. A crazy DVD, some nice little zines, a university handbook and our favourite film magazine all feature.

Little White Lies Published by The Church of London
We’re always pleased to see the latest issue of Little White Lies let itself into the studio. This month was a little more exciting than usual as it’s featured flick is Where The Wild Things Are, which we are waiting for with bated breath. The usual nice bits of editorial, this time round surrounded by some interesting creative features. These include an open competition to design your own cover of the mag, as well as an intriguing game of consequences conducted by a group of pencil wielders including Holly Wales, Amy Brown, Neasden Control Centre and Art Director of the mag itself, Paul Willoughby.

Kingston Unviersity School of Communication Student Handbook Published by Kingston University
I don’t think we’ve ever had a university handbook worthy of review here before. That was until Kingston’s latest effort sucked us in, using a lovely wall chart by a stand-out member of their alumni, Rose Blake as bait. The content is of course for the students of the faculty, but was enjoyed none the less with some well written sections on making the most of your time while studying. Looking forward to seeing their show in the summer…

Faits Divers By Gangpol & Mit, Published by Pictoplasma.
Putting this DVD in your computer is like opening a bag of excited monkeys. Don’t try and make sense of it, definitely don’t try and emulate it, just sit back with a comforting understanding that what you’re watching makes no sense to anyone else either. Watch the trailer on Gangpol and Mit’s website below, because I genuinely have no idea how to explain what this is. I think it’s brilliant though.

Even Your Ears By Kim Hyunjin, Published by Farewell Books
Lovely title, don’t you think? Farewell books are a independent publishers who make things that have more than a healthy whiff of quality about them. Korean photographer Kim Hyunjin’s careful snaps are presented on a little heavier stock than you’d expect, and they should be thankful for it as they look down right knockout.

Photodiaries: Sofa-trip around Europe By Paul Paper, Published by Café Royal
Particularly generous publishing house Café Royal sent over over a stack of their zines this week, and this one from Lithuanian photographer Paul Paper was my pick of the bunch. A selection of his photos printed in glorious monotone on a photocopier in traditional zine fashion. More from Paul Paper please.

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Alex Bec

Alex is the CEO of It’s Nice That. He oversees the commercial side of It’s Nice That, Creative Lives in Progress and If You Could Jobs.

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