David RuleWordsJez Burrows—Date12 July 2007WorkPhotographyA daily image, update and idea from David Rule. Thanks to Jason for the tipoff.Share ArticleFurther Infowww.davidrule.co.uk/qdAbout the AuthorJez Burrows—Related contentVivian Wan reimagines the traditional family photo album by getting her grandparents to illustrate over ita day agoWorkIllustration...Both chosen and by blood: James Pearson-Howes photographs models with their families2 days agoWorkFilm...Da’Shaunae Marisa’s floral adornments of archival imagery highlight the “undeniable beauty of Black people”8 days agoWorkArt...Review of the Year 2024: Top 25 Photography17 December 2024Review of the Year 2024Features...It's Nice That NewslettersFancy a bit of It's Nice That in your inbox? Sign up to our newsletters and we'll keep you in the loop with everything good going on in the creative world.Email address:Subscribe