Moniker and Studio Puckey have made an interactive music video viewers can scribble on

23 August 2016

Studio Moniker and Studio Puckey: Out of Line

Moniker and Studio Puckey have created an interactive, crowd-sourced music video for Dead End by zZz, which invites viewers to add their own drawings and scribbles to the film. 

Out of Line first asks you sign your name and draw a self portrait. It then follows a protagonist called Laura around her daily life while she orders the viewers — who she refers to as “Lines” — to complete tasks such as filling in graphs or tracing her face. Viewers can do so using their cursor as a pencil, and all drawn lines are saved and rendered into the video, which is updated every hour. 

The studios’ technique goes one stage further than breaking the fourth wall, involving the viewer in the final aesthetic of the video. It already features hundreds of animated lines being drawn all over the film.

“The video was very much inspired by the defaced bathroom stalls that are anonymous internet comments,” say the designers, “and the complexities that arise when interacting with online audiences.”

This is Jonathan Puckey’s first project since leaving Moniker to start his own self-named practice.


Studio Moniker and Studio Puckey: Out of Line


Studio Moniker and Studio Puckey: Out of Line


Studio Moniker and Studio Puckey: Out of Line


Studio Moniker and Studio Puckey: Out of Line


Studio Moniker and Studio Puckey: Out of Line


Studio Moniker and Studio Puckey: Out of Line

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Jenny Brewer

Jenny is the online editor of It’s Nice That, overseeing all our editorial output. She was previously It’s Nice That’s news editor. Get in touch with any big creative stories, tips, pitches, news and opinions, or questions about all things editorial.

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