Presenting Wurstbande, or "sausage gang" – a Berlin-based illustration duo
Wurstbande translates as “sausage gang” as I’ve just learned (thank you Google Translate) but it’s also the name of a Berlin-based illustration and art duo, who alternatively call themselves Lynn and Dennis. The pair has a taste for enormous murals, strange, sleazy looking animals and bright colours – so really, they have nothing to do with meaty snacks – and they’re our new favourite discovery.
Earlier this year Wurstbande year held an exhibition at Tokyo’s Anagra Gallery, entitled Dogs and Weird Things where they showed a collection of cool, wacky paintings depicting exactly that; hostile, bumpy and cheery-looking dogs, old men with lollipops, bananas, giant interlocking bricks… All kinds of strangeness. There’s something nice about seeing this kind of work, which is so often limited to vector illustrations, with that grainy DIY texture that only paint betrays. Fortunately for us the sausage duo is as happy using paper as they are on sprawling walls.
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
Wurstbande: Dogs and Weird Things
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About the Author
Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.