Things 2013 #6: Oceanic gems, excellent illustration, nice cards, politics and fabric... Hello Things.
Here are some of the Things that dropped into It’s Nice That’s hands this week. From the deepest, bluest oceans to activists in Australia, from Kingston fabric to Portland paper to Dutch illustration, Things went to great lengths to deliver these goods. Go on, have a look.
Miranda Sofroniou: Oceans – Things That Blow My Mind
Miranda Sofroniou: Oceans – Things That Blow My Mind
Miranda Sofroniou: Oceans – Things That Blow My Mind
Miranda Sofroniou: Oceans – Things That Blow My Mind
Miranda Sofroniou: Oceans – Things That Blow My Mind
Miranda Sofroniou: Oceans – Things That Blow My Mind
Miranda Sofroniou is a London-based illustrator who makes a series of children’s books called “Things that blow my mind”. Full of genuinely interesting facts (did you know if you took all the salt out of the ocean and spread it over the land, the salt would form a layer as tall as a 40 storey building?) and designed and illustrated beautifully with bright paints and collage, it’s an educational and visual delight for readers of all ages.
EIGHT: a young contemporary art magazine (issues 2-5)
EIGHT: a young contemporary art magazine
EIGHT magazine has some seriously good illustration. The Netherlands publication dedicated to young contemporary art and artists is also dedicated to quality printing practice and urges its readers to pluck out their favourite, glossy, poster-sized artwork and hang it up. It’s sure to make your walls look pretty fine.
Good Stuff: Premier Press Holiday Pack
Good Stuff: Premier Press Holiday Pack
Good Stuff: Premier Press Holiday Pack
Good Stuff: Premier Press Holiday Pack
Good Stuff: Premier Press Holiday Pack
Good Stuff: Premier Press Holiday Pack
Portland-based Premier Press created a Holiday Pack showcasing both the talents of their hometown’s designers and the printing techniques the company itself has mastered. The result is a load of nicely printed, nicely designed large cards.
desktop: #290 Activated
desktop: #290 Activated
desktop: #290 Activated
desktop: #290 Activated
desktop: #290 Activated
desktop: #290 Activated
The most recent issue of Australia’s desktop magazine champions design as a force for political and social good. There’s some fascinating, worthwhile features including an exploration of Occupy’s graphics, a wander through Greenpeace’s studio, a glance back at the brilliant Oz magazine and a guided tour through the images that shaped activism in Australia.
OOMK: Issue One: Fabric
OOMK: Issue One: Fabric
OOMK: Issue One: Fabric
OOMK: Issue One: Fabric
OOMK: Issue One: Fabric
OOMK: Issue One: Fabric
OOMK (One of my Kind) is a new zine made by three girls honing their skills at Kingston and their architect friend. Themed around fabric, the first issue has some lovely illustrations, photographs and stories about making various creative things.