Publication: Simon Hanselmann has a dirty, creepy satirical new book out for you to purchase at once!
It’s rare that I get to write about a book that I’ve just ordered with my own cash money. Usually kind people send us all the comics and design books we could ever dream of to read and review, but I couldn’t take the gamble that Simon Hanselmann’s latest offering might sell out before I got a chance to see it, or that I’d have to shelve it in the office archive for good. So it’s on the pre-order and when it arrives I’ll set aside a weekend afternoon to read it from cover to cover, because Megg and Mogg deserve my undivided attention while they drop acid in their grubby little flat and throw up on each other. My GOD I’m excited!
For those of you not previously indoctrinated in Simon’s ways, he’s a reimaginer of classic children’s story Meg and Mog, casting the mischievous witch and her pets as suburban junkies. His dialogues are laugh-out-loud funny, in the same way that early Kevin Smith films were, but perhaps ten times more hilarious. Anyway, I’m thrilled to let you know about Life Zone’s arrival in the world. Now go and buy it at once to encourage Simon to produce some more. AT ONCE!
Simon Hanselmann: Life Zone
Simon Hanselmann: Life Zone
Simon Hanselmann: Life Zone
Simon Hanselmann: Life Zone
Simon Hanselmann: Life Zone
Simon Hanselmann: Life Zone
Simon Hanselmann: Life Zone
Simon Hanselmann: The High Priestess
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About the Author
James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.