Saatchi Online's 100 Curators, 100 Days is a fascinating, ambitious curation project
In a world increasingly dominated by search engine algorithms and crowdmind suggestions, we’re all for a bit of old-fashioned curation. A new project from Saatchi Online, 100 Curators 100 Days, does exactly what it says on the tin, with a really interesting selection of curatorial talent picking 10 artists that excite and inspire them from the Saatchi Online collection. From New York to New Delhi, large institutions to cutting-edge biennales it’s an intriguing mix of cultural figures and a great platform on which to bring unrepresented artists to wider public attention. It’s only five days in and already there’s a host of great work to enjoy, so welcome to your new resource (for the next 95 days…)
Aaron McElroy: Untitled, Silly String (Selected by Tobbia Bezzola, curator Kunsthaus Zurich)
Annika Finne: The angle of a scanner lid scanning a barnacle (Selected by Britt Salvesen, curator and Department Head of Prints and Drawings Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
Cécile Van Hanja: Indoor Space (Selected by Britt Salvesen, curator and Department Head of Prints and Drawings Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
Charlotte Billingham: Untitled (Selected by Adam Budak, curator for contemporary art
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden)
Dominic Hawgood: The Beginning of the End (Selected by Tobbia Bezzola, curator Kunsthaus Zurich)
Richard: Brocken: water |ˈwôtər; ˈwä-| (Selected by Peter MacGill, president Pace/MacGill Gallery)
Betty McGheean: Walking Wheels (Selected byAdam Budak, curator for contemporary art
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden)
Michael Belhadi: Trabant (Selected by Peter MacGill, president Pace/MacGill Gallery)
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Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.