Simple and hilarious editorial illustration from Rami Niemi
Dry, scathing and sarcastic aren’t necessarily words that you associate with bright colours and smiley, pudgy faced cartoons. Wait until you see Rami Niemi’s work and start realising that he’s got the right idea about pretty much everything. He has made editorial illustrations for countless brands, magazines, companies and books, but always with an equally delicious pinch of irony and naughtiness.
The result? A ruthlessly talented man so comfortable in his ability that he is given complete creative freedom by the big dogs and then praised for his subtly snide creations – this man is a superb and powerful illustrator.
Rami Niemi
Rami Niemi
Rami Niemi
Rami Niemi
Rami Niemi
Rami Niemi
Rami Niemi
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.