Poem Baker photographs the Jûngølā drag clowns of London’s Deptford
London-based photographer Poem Baker has captured Tuttii Fruittti and Toni Tits AKA the Jûngølā Klöwñz, an experimental comedy art duo inspired by a hotchpotch of influences, including drag, clown and tribal culture. Tuttii is a hair sculptor and Toni is a video artist, and together their technicolour world of customised outfits and performance work is a visual feast for the eyes.
Poem, who’s represented by the Angela Woods Agency, met the pair through the performing arts world and immediately wanted to photograph them. The project was shot over a year with Poem capturing the Klöwñz once a month. “The transformative costumes they make and wear provide an irresistibly spectacular canvas against the everyday backdrop of south east London,” says Poem.
The contrast between the city’s greyness and their vibrant presence is wonderful. The candid shots of Tuttii and Toni eating cereal, sat in the greasy spoon and browsing at a car boot are strongest because there’s this sense that their identities have become fully blurred. Poem explains: “Their psychedelic creations are so entrenched in their daily lives that it’s made it impossible to distinguish between persona and performer, between art and life.”
Poem Baker: Jûngølā Klöwñz
Poem Baker: Jûngølā Klöwñz
Poem Baker: Jûngølā Klöwñz
Poem Baker: Jûngølā Klöwñz
Poem Baker: Jûngølā Klöwñz
Poem Baker: Jûngølā Klöwñz
Poem Baker: Jûngølā Klöwñz
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Rebecca Fulleylove is a freelance writer and editor specialising in art, design and culture. She is also senior writer at Creative Review, having previously worked at Elephant, Google Arts & Culture, and It’s Nice That.