Photography: Chino Otsuka superimposes her adult self into photos from her childhood
Funny how no one else finds your childhood photos interesting, but you yourself could probably get lost in those little visual time traps for hours without getting bored. Chino Otsuka found her childhood photos so intriguing that she decided to put them to good use and make a very curious art project out of them. Imagine Finding Me sees Chino impeccably superimpose herself into these old images to create the illusion that she is hanging out with her former self.
Whether they’re munching on a baguette together, building a snowman or just lazing around on a bed in their pants reading magazines, these very touching images are a reminder of just how hilarious and fun it would be to be best buds with your past self. You can buy a book of this project over on her site.
Chino Otsuka: Imagine Finding Me
Chino Otsuka: Imagine Finding Me
Chino Otsuka: Imagine Finding Me
Chino Otsuka: Imagine Finding Me
Chino Otsuka: Imagine Finding Me
Chino Otsuka: Imagine Finding Me
Chino Otsuka: Imagine Finding Me
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.