Bright, smart and interesting; all hail the graphic design of Paul Bernhard
Here is a portfolio with an emphasis on printable material presented on a smart, colour-changing website that proves Paul Bernhard has the new-tradition for graphic design nailed; which is to say it works as well online as it does offline no matter what medium it was designed for.
The posters and books and anything else physical have real object value especially his use of colour which, as elemental expressions, are treated compositionally like type and are vibrant and fun, allowing the actual text to be deceptively discrete while presenting a great amount of information. Such is the new school of design that the attitude of the work is all-things-considered with its maker taking on the role of designer-as-editor.
Paul Bernhard: Aaber Award 2012
Paul Bernhard: Aaber Award 2012
Paul Bernhard: Aaber Award 2012
Paul Bernhard: Explode into Space
Paul Bernhard: Explode into Space
Paul Bernhard: Explode into Space
Paul Bernhard: Here’s your Punchline
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Bryony was It’s Nice That’s first ever intern and worked her way up to assistant online editor before moving on to pursue other interests in the summer of 2012.