Phwoar! Typophiles, swoon over this cornucopia of contemporary typography
Crazy about kerning? Fanatical about fonts? Trip out on typography? If you’re all of those things and appreciate a touch of brilliant book design, then prepare to salivate, design types, for we present to you this lovely plastic coated tome, New Perspectives in Typography. Edited and designed by Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel of A2/SW/HK, the book marries exemplary examples of typography with essays from those literate in all things letters, like Rick Poynor and Paul Shaw, who gives a delightful sort of cheat sheet in the form of an overview of 20th Century type design.
If you just dig the pictures though, there’s more than plenty to go on here; with work from graphic design talents like Bob Gill and David Pearson sitting alongside artists like Martin Creed, whose work we wouldn’t perhaps usually associate with straight up type design, but who draw on lettering as a major part of their practice. At once accessible and deliciously geeky, it’s a brilliant little volume that reinforces the terrific power of typography.
Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel: New Perspectives in Typography
Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel: New Perspectives in Typography
Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel: New Perspectives in Typography
Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel: New Perspectives in Typography
Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel: New Perspectives in Typography
Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel: New Perspectives in Typography
Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel: New Perspectives in Typography
Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel: New Perspectives in Typography
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Emily joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in the summer of 2014 after four years at Design Week. She is particularly interested in graphic design, branding and music. After working It's Nice That as both Online Editor and Deputy Editor, Emily left the company in 2016.