Colourful and monochrome new work from our favourite Nathaniel Russell
It’s close to a year since we checked up on the brilliant Nathaniel Russell to see what was cooking in his kitchen so, because we’re polite (and because we’ll take any excuse to spend an hour or so on his site), we thought it was about time to update you on his progress. If you’re already familiar with Nat’s work you’ll know why we like him. If not, allow me to explain – he makes use of colour like no other illustrator we know, he also uses plain old brush and ink like an absolute pro, creating sinister, surreal images with short, punchy scraps of written narrative thrown in for good measure. He’s a maker of giant screen prints, a painter of vibrant pictures and he thinks the cosmos is cool! Anyway, most importantly he’s got new work on his site which (SURPRISE!) is really good.
Nathaniel Russell: Animal
Nathaniel Russell: Rainbow Cave
Nathaniel Russell: Current
Nathaniel Russell: Leaf Pot
Nathaniel Russell: Explosion
Nathaniel Russell: Leaf Sniff
Nathaniel Russell: Glow
Nathaniel Russell: Handheld
Nathaniel Russell: Song
Nathaniel Russell: Plant Lurk
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About the Author
James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.