Incredible collection of old NASA photographs to go on show in London
Imagine for a moment that the shoebox under your bed was filled not with photos of your Great Aunt June snoozing on the sofa last Christmas, but with photographs taken in space by astronauts on Apollo 14. For a lucky few at NASA this is (almost) true, and fortunately they’re more than happy to share their treasures with us proles in the form of a new exhibition at London’s BREESE Little Gallery.
The exhibition addresses the subject of the sublime in NASA photography. “The sublime is perceived in the presence of power, awe and scale,” BREESE Little explains, “and felt in the sensation of helplessness at the realisation of our own insignificance. And yet it entails a sense of empowerment as we measure, map, quantify and record, seeking to understand the mysteries of the solar system and the universe through science, logic and technology.”
Encountering the Astronomical Sublime: Vintage NASA Photographs 1961-1980 will run at London’s BREESE Little gallery from 19 September until 25 October. Find out more on our events listing site, This at There.
Central Florida, Cape Kennedy at centre left, Gemini 11, 14 September 1966, Vintage chromogenic print, c.20 × 25 cm, NASA S65-54565
Charles Duke, John Young collects lunar samples, Apollo 16, April 1972, Vintage gelatin silver print, c.20 × 25 cm, NASA AS16-106-17340
James McDivitt, Ed White Walking in space (EVA), Gemini 4, June 1965, Large-format vintage chromogenic print, on ‘A Kodak Paper’, 27.8 × 35.6 cm, NASA negative number S65-29766
James McDivitt, Ed White walking in space over New Mexico (EVA), Gemini 4, June 1965, Large format vintage chromogenic print, on ‘A Kodak Paper’, 27.8 × 35.6 cm, NASA negative number S65-30433
Lunar boulders, St. George Crater beyond, Apollo 15, July 1971, Vintage gelatin silver print, c.20 × 25cm, NASA AS15-82-11147
Martian hemisphere, Viking 1 Orbiter, June 1976, Vintage chromogenic print, c.20 × 25 cm, NASA S-76-27349
Segment of Saturn’s rings, Voyager 2, 1981, Vintage chromogenic print, c.20 × 25 cm, NASA_JPL [P-23953]
The Agena target vehicle tethered to Gemini 11, Gemini 11, 14 September 1966, Large format vintage chromogenic print, on ‘A Kodak Paper’, 28.2 × 35.2 cm, NASA negative number S66-54571, Title and technical details in ink on verso
United States, Mexico, Central America, Apollo 16, April 1972, Vintage chromogenic print, c.20 × 25 cm, NASA AS16-118-18880
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.