Advertising: Mother London create carrier bags to shame you out of using one
The contribution of plastic bags to my emotional development has been limited at best. Oh, sure, I got a bit misty-eyed about that one blowing around the empty street in American Beauty (who didn’t?) but other than that they’ve been a largely pragmatic part of my life… until now. Back in 2005, creative agency Mother launched a range of Uncarriable Bags adorned with embarrassing motifs and they’ve just launched a second range “to make people think about plastic bags in 2013.”
The new set come in four fetching varieties – robber, junkie, sex addict and terrorist – and the idea is to push our dependence on plastic bags as far as it can go. Or to put it another way: “How badly do you need a plastic bag to have to use one of these?”
This is a funny, creative way to address a serious problem and they’re sure to turn a few heads as they start to hit the streets.
Mother: Uncarriable Bags (Junkie)
Mother: Uncarriable Bags (Robber)
Mother: Uncarriable Bags (Sex Addict)
Mother: Uncarriable Bags (Terrorist)
Mother: Uncarriable Bags (Sex Addict)
Mother: Uncarriable Bags (Junkie)
Mother: Uncarriable Bags (Terrorist)
Mother: Uncarriable Bags
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Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.