Miscellaneous: Meowy Friday! It's the Catleidoscope! You can thank us later...
It’s not exactly hard to please the viewers of the internet these days, and this website is the online version of catnip. There isn’t even much point in me telling you what to do here – when you go on a website like this you know the rules. If you are stuck, move your mouse around and maybe do a few tentative clicks until you get the gist.
Catleidoscope was created by art director/conceptual creative/copywriter Matthew Guy, who says something rather interesting on this kind of truly pleasing aspect of the World Wide Web. “Let’s not interrupt something entertaining with something dull. The best advertising isn’t advertising. Make disruptive things people want to watch and play with. This may last longer than 30 seconds, like designing a truly useful service for people, which increases the ‘I LIKE THEM’ factor more than an ‘ad’ could.”
Matthew Guy: Catleidoscope
Matthew Guy: Catleidoscope
Matthew Guy: Catleidoscope
Matthew Guy: Catleidoscope
Matthew Guy: Catleidoscope
Matthew Guy: Catleidoscope
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.