Heartbreaking, rare Maurice Sendak interview animated by Christoph Niemann

7 January 2013


It’s Monday morning, sometimes things can get pretty blue. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you this is anything other than one of the most heart-achingly sad videos ever created, but I am going to reassure you that it is also overwhelmingly uplifting. Well-known illustrator Christoph Niemann “stumbled” across an audio interview with legendary Where the Wild Things Are creator Maurice Sendak and was so moved by what he heard that he decided to turn it into an animation. Prepare yourself to hear an old, wise man tell soul-crunching stories of how he cries for his lost loved-ones, and the natural progression of appreciating true beauty in old age. This animation puts almost every internet video to shame.


Christoph Neimann: A Tribute to Maurice Sendak


Christoph Neimann: A Tribute to Maurice Sendak


Christoph Neimann: A Tribute to Maurice Sendak


Christoph Neimann: A Tribute to Maurice Sendak


Christoph Neimann: A Tribute to Maurice Sendak

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About the Author

Liv Siddall

Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.

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