Slip on your headphones and slide into 1950s New York watching this Jackson Pollock tribute animation. Dripped, a short film by Léo Verrier and produced by Chez Eddy, explores Pollock’s quest to find his creative voice. In a world tinged with sepia, in which men wear brown corduroy suits and plum velvet jackets, Pollock tries to find how he fits in with the greats in the galleries. The film has a dash of cops ’n’ robbers intrigue and superhero-esque feats – scaling buildings and bounding from roof to roof – as Pollock pilfers art in an attempt to discover his creative identity. In his drab apartment, frustrated by painting still lifes and full of the fodder of famous works, Pollock finally discovers his characteristic, colourful style. Set to the sound of twinkly piano notes and mournful oboes, Dripped is a clever and beautiful ode to inspiration and innovation.
Léo Verrier: Dripped (still)
Léo Verrier: Dripped (still)
Léo Verrier: Dripped (still)
Léo Verrier: Dripped (still)
Léo Verrier: Dripped (still)