Much-needed cheerful updates from the brilliant Jorge Primo
Last time we featured Jorge Primo on the site I was banging on about how sunny it was outside and how fittingly bright his work was. That was in July 2012 and everything in London was rose-tinted. Today the rain won’t stop coming down and I got soaked on the way to work, but still Jorge’s cheerfully colourful identity for carpenters Picapino has brought a smile to my face. Which really goes to show that great design even has the power to lift your spirits on the most depressing days.
To make things EVEN better, Jorge has just updated his website with loads of other great work alongside this particular project, so there’s plenty of mood-lifting design to go round even if this crappy weather persists. Sweet!
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James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.