Illustration: Spot the artists in Nous Vous' enormous drawing for the Walker Art Center
Clap your hands and spin around, the blessed day has finally come! The Walker Art Centre in Minnesota has commissioned those nice Nous Vous men to create six illustrations to grace the pages of their bi-monthly magazine for 2014. The much-loved trio of Jay Cover, Nicolas Burrows and William Edmonds decided to combine their talents and make one big drawing TOGETHER!
The enormous image, which the Walker Art Centre is going to split up into six parts, features character illustrations of artists including (deep breath) “Fischli and Weiss, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Joseph Beuys, Yves Klein, David Nash, Charles and Ray Eames, Constantin Brancusi, Katharina Fritsch, Christo, Robert Wyatt, Florentijn Hofman, and the Lely Venus.”
Appealing to people of any age, this collaborative drawing is as educational as it is beautiful and is a testament to just how talented the Nous Vous guys are on their own or working together as one. Let this be one of many very exciting briefs for them to tackle in the near future. Read a truly inspirational interview with them about this project over at Walker Art Centre.
Nous Vous: Drawing on the Same Page for The Walker Art Centre
Nous Vous: Drawing on the Same Page for The Walker Art Centre
Nous Vous: Drawing on the Same Page for The Walker Art Centre
Nous Vous: Drawing on the Same Page for The Walker Art Centre
Nous Vous: Drawing on the Same Page for The Walker Art Centre
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.