Illustration: We like these squiggly drawings by Jonathan Calugi
When you’re a grown up and you make your living by making what look like very high-end puzzles, you know you’re on to something better than everyone else. Imagine Jonathan’s day, drawing winding pictures of intertwining lines and listening to music, making people (like us) happy when his prints arrive on their doorstep. We’ve been a fan of this Italian illustrator for a while, and his new selection of work is only making us love him even more. Every time he whacks out a new project it’s even more refined and even easier on the eye. More squiggles please Jonathan, if you will.
Jonathan Calugi: Into the Line
Jonathan Calugi: Into the Line
Jonathan Calugi: Into the Line
Jonathan Calugi: Into the Line
Jonathan Calugi: Into the Line
Jonathan Calugi: New Work
Jonathan Calugi: PUF festival
Jonathan Calugi: Untitled
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.