Graphic Design: Husbandmen create some glorious album artwork
I always imagine that designing album artwork for a cool band must be one of the best jobs as a graphic designer; you get to revel in the mild synaesthesia that everybody secretly harbours by trying to recreate an aural experience in visual form, and try to silently convince passers by to pick up a record in the process.
It would seem that studio Husbandmen, which is made up of Karolis Kosas, Frances Foster and James Walker, would agree. They went to town on these two album artwork projects for Franklin Felix and Popular Mechanics respectively, both of which are rock bands based in Saint Louis, Missouri. From filled triangles in various sizes to wobbly type and coloured, marbled (marbled!) vinyl, the collaborative effect is like honey to the bee. If you can resist picking up these visually brilliant objects, you’re obviously not easily pleased. Unlike us. We think they’re excellent.
Husbandmen: Franklin Felix Album Artwork
Husbandmen: Franklin Felix Album Artwork
Husbandmen: Franklin Felix Album Artwork
Husbandmen: Popular Mechanics Album Artwork
Husbandmen: Popular Mechanics Album Artwork
Husbandmen: Popular Mechanics Album Artwork
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.