Gouffre: a treasure trove of international illustration

13 January 2017

Gouffre, is the third issue of a comics anthology by illustrators Sammy Stein, Alexis Beauclair, Bettina Henni and Severine Bascouert. Following issues Lagon and Volcan, the anthology sits between annual magazine and art book, and is an illustrated treasure-trove of 36 international artists.

With familiar names such as Marie Jacotey, Samplerman, and Jean-Philippe Bretin gracing its pages, Gouffre is an opportunity to catch up with your favourite illustrators and discover some talented new ones. Together, Alexis Beauclair and Sammy Stein “watch daily for new artists whose editorial or plastic approach resonates with the concept of the journal, narrative experiments and daring graphics,” the collective explains. “We celebrate new ways of drawing and narrating: minimal, maximal, without heroes, without characters, made of sensations or of emptiness, mute, aesthetic, close to abstraction, inspired by contemporary art, architecture, video games or graphic design.”

After spending the past two weeks in the French alps shaping the book together, it is now available as a riso, silkscreen and offset printed beauty. To celebrate its launch an exhibition showcasing details and extracts from Gouffre takes place at agnès b in Paris until 18 February 2017.




Gouffre: Brie Moreno


Gouffre: Jean-Phillippe Bretin


Gouffre: Marie Jacotey


Gouffre: Olivier Schrauwen


Gouffre: Phillip Fivel Nessen


Gouffre: Sammy Stein


Gouffre: Samplerman


Gouffre: Stefanie Leinhos


Gouffre: Tiger Tateishi

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About the Author

Lucy Bourton

Lucy (she/her) was part of the It’s Nice That team from 2016–2025, first joining as a staff writer after graduating from Chelsea College of Art with a degree in Graphic Design Communication, eventually becoming a senior editor on our editorial team, and most recently at Insights, a research-driven department with It’s Nice That.

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