Etienne Gros sculpts sponge into squidgy Venus de Milo-esque forms - yes!
Etienne Gros pulls and tucks dense foam to take the form of a shapely lady minus head and legs (very like a squidgy Venus de Milo) – the result, Les Mousses, is so simple and so effective (though undoubtedly takes some skill to realise) that I’m only able to muster the singular thought of “brilliant”.
Checking out the rest of the artist’s work, he is no stranger to the nude, indeed his whole oeuvre is made up almost exclusively of contemplating it in different media. Just like the many, many artists before him, the naked female form is both a thorough study of mass and flesh but also for the love of it – only I’m pretty sure Etienne is the only one sculpting sponge.
Etienne Gros: Les Mousses
Etienne Gros: Les Mousses
Etienne Gros: Les Mousses
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Bryony was It’s Nice That’s first ever intern and worked her way up to assistant online editor before moving on to pursue other interests in the summer of 2012.