Animation: Cowgirls and magic 8-balls star in Daniela Sherer's Western-inspired music video

4 June 2014


An audio-visual match made in heaven, animator Daniela Scherer got together with musician Tom Rosenthal to create the video for his new music video for As Luck Would Have It, and her Western theme, minimal colour palette and cowgirl-come-mother central character turned out to be the perfect animated accompaniment to Tom’s dulcet tones. The video is simple in approach, following a young pregnant woman as she becomes a mother, interspersed with effortlessly composed images of cowboys laid across train tracks, magic 8-balls which always tell the truth, and one particularly arresting shot of a woman absent-mindedly whistling while singing the ukelele. It’s a wonderful music video, and if you’re anything like me, one that you’ll feel inclined to watch on repeat for a full 15 minutes before you can click away.


Daniela Sherer: Animated music video fro Tom Rosenthal’s As Luck Would Have It


Daniela Sherer: Animated music video fro Tom Rosenthal’s As Luck Would Have It


Daniela Sherer: Animated music video fro Tom Rosenthal’s As Luck Would Have It


Daniela Sherer: Animated music video fro Tom Rosenthal’s As Luck Would Have It


Daniela Sherer: Animated music video fro Tom Rosenthal’s As Luck Would Have It


Daniela Sherer: Animated music video fro Tom Rosenthal’s As Luck Would Have It

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About the Author

Maisie Skidmore

Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.

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