Art: Daniel Temkin's 'glitchometry' is a testament to the beauty of internet art
Remember those books of optical illusions you had when you were little? You’d stare at them for hours and hours hoping in vain that some magic would happen and all of a sudden you’d see the enchanted forest supposedly hiding behind the myriad of multi-coloured squiggles, but alas, it never appeared. Daniel Temkin’s Glitchometry, a series of artworks based on the mind-bending nature of digital faults, reminds me a lot of those optical illusions, except for there’s no need whatsoever to search for hidden images, because all the beauty that you need to see is right there before your very eyes. Hurrah!
By using tiny errors to expose the web of technology which underpins our digital communication platforms, Daniel creates beautifully weird colourful images which seem to move as you glance across them, evoking that same sense of childlike wonder that optical illusions used to before you figured out how they work. We’re not sure why we’re drawn to them, but we can’t deny that we are; the mere idea of the simplistic beauty which lies latent behind the screens that we spend hours staring at every day is enough to pull us in. We’re hooked.
Daniel Temkin: Glitchometry Stripes
Daniel Temkin: Glitchometry Stripes #4
Daniel Temkin: Glitchometry Stripes #7
Daniel Temkin: Glitchometry Stripes #5
Daniel Temkin: Glitchometry Stripes #5
Daniel Temkin: Glitchometry Stripes #8
Daniel Temkin: Glitchometry Stripes #9
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.