Somesuch have released Bike Life, a short documentary by Dan Emmerson. 12 O’Clock Boys meets the Valleys, Bike Life follows Daniel Commander and his group of their friends as they cycle their way around the outskirts of Cardiff. The film is soundtracked by elusive cult record label The Trilogy Tapes, with exclusive new tracks by Peder Mannerfeld and Mall Grab.
“Bike Life is a movement that started in Baltimore,” Dan tells It’s Nice That. “It’s basically riding out on the roads on cycles with your mates, sometimes doing tricks and wheelies. They’ve got a bad rep because they don’t always abide by the highway codes of safety…”
The film shows how young people harness the power of the internet, and in particular Instagram to document constantly shifting subcultural scenes and meet other likeminded obsessives. “Bike Life brings a lot of people together that wouldn’t ever meet otherwise. A lot of the lads in the gang I met in Wales had only met through Instagram. They were from varying backgrounds but united through their passion for riding. It reminded me of growing up skateboarding, and the unique bond I felt with other people that skated.”
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Bryony joined It's Nice That as Deputy Editor in August 2016, following roles at Mother, Secret Cinema, LAW, Rollacoaster and Wonderland. She later became Acting Editor at It's Nice That, before leaving in late 2018.