Introducing...Painterly illustration and slick design from Braulio Amado

22 February 2013

When you move to New York to pursue a career in design, it’s a foregone conclusion that you’re going to have to reside in Brooklyn. That’s where all the creativity happens. And so it was for Portuguese graphic designer and illustrator Braulio Amado, who’s been based in Brooklyn and working for the likes of Pentagram for the last couple of years.

Braulio’s one of those enviable creatives who’s capable of accomplishing anything he turns his hand to. He’s managed to carve out a distinct and personal style of illustration comprised of expressive brushwork and traditional colour-separation techniques alongside an incredibly capable body of graphic design work. He’s also game on for a spot of art directing too. Sometimes it’s a wonder that guys like Braulio have enough hours in the day…


Braulio Amado: desk space


Braulio Amado: Work in progress

Where do you work?

I’m a freelancer but I mostly work full-time in agencies (right now, at Red Antler, in Dumbo, Brooklyn). At the same time, I recently became part of Alva. Since I moved from Portugal to NYC, all my freelance work outside these full-time gigs is done on my couch, living room coffee table or in cafes. I’m a member at 3rd ward, which is a school here in Brooklyn that also has a shared office space, so sometimes I also go there.

How does your working day start?

8:05 am. Coffee. Then subway ride. Then more coffee.

How do you work and how has that changed?

When I’m on a full time gig, I mostly continue to work on my personal or freelance side-projects when I get home in the evening. But over the years that started to drive me insane, so I try to balance everything out nowadays. While in school, I was working in ad agencies at the same time as studying, so I definitely learned how to be fast and how to deal with deadlines. I also learned how to deal with all-nighters.
But the NYC pace is way different from Portugal so I guess my way of working changed a lot .

Where would we find you when you’re not at work?

I go to music shows quite often and I love eating out. I also love to walk around the city with no particular destination.


Braulio Amado: Illustration


Braulio Amado: Illustration


Braulio Amado: Illustration


Braulio Amado: Illustration


Braulio Amado: Illustration


Braulio Amado: Illustration


Braulio Amado: Illustration


Braulio Amado: Illustration


Braulio Amado: Illustration

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About the Author

James Cartwright

James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.

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