Let Best of the Web be your lucky charm on St Patrick’s day today and take you through to the weekend, as it plays its fiddle and sings in dreamy, dulcet tones. This week we revisit dodgy websites from the 90s, Michael Beirut shares his know-how on logo design and a fictional Heinz ad campaign from Mad Men’s Don Draper makes its way into the real world. Plus we have hearty list of Irish creatives to follow on Instagram. Crack open a Guinness and enjoy!
Cover for me is a Tumblr displaying the results of a round during the Music Is The Answer quiz every month in Hackney. The round is a challenge to recreate an album cover in ten minutes or less. Too funny. (Lucy)
The Guardian went pretty TBT earlier this week when they click-holed their way into the forgotten world of 90s movie websites . (Bryony)
Somehow, somewhere, I came across Some Silly Stories , a series of animations by Methol Matin, which are so bonkers they defy explanation. Start with this one (above), Baby Booz . (Bryony)
Michael Bierut offers his considerable expertise on logo design . (Owen)
The secret plans for what happens after the Queen dies are not so secret anymore as The Guardian has published this massive long-read revealing all the details. (Beccy)
Just lots of great, and awkward photos of Metal bands . (Owen)
Artists Kien Quan and Jillian Young have gone around sticking “Made by Refugee” labels on products in America , such as Bob Marley records, Sriracha sauce, and Mini cars. (Jenny)
Anything that pisses off fluffy haired shit show Donald Trump is AOK in my books. So here’s a great article about Snoop Dogg’s latest video which got old POTUS’ knickers in a twist. (Simon)
Heinz ad campaign
An ad campaign for Heinz conceived by fictional character Don Draper is being used IRL (above), and credited to the brand’s current agency David Miami as well as Stirling Cooper Draper Price. It seems to have got too meta for some people though, with a creative on the project commenting the concept hadn’t dated at all. Er, might that be because it’s a made-up campaign from 2013? (Jenny)
Doctor’s handwriting is notoriously bad, but art director Maksim Zoloyedov decided to commission them to see if their drawing skills were any better. The results can be seen in this Ukranian business journal . (Owen)
Today is St Patrick’s Day, so here’s some of our favourite Irish creatives to double tap your thumb on.
A post shared by Peter Doyle (@peterdoylej) on Jan 18, 2017 at 12:43pm PST
A post shared by Linda Brownlee (@lindabrownlee) on Dec 15, 2015 at 6:41am PST
A post shared by Laura Callaghan (@lauracallaghanillustration) on Feb 20, 2017 at 3:22am PST
A post shared by Mark Duffy (@markduffyphoto) on Mar 2, 2017 at 3:29am PST
A post shared by Oliver Jeffers (@oliverjeffers) on Mar 15, 2017 at 12:29pm PDT
A post shared by Joshua Gordon (@joshua_gordon) on Jan 17, 2017 at 9:20am PST
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