Humorously choreographed nudes in Ave Pildas’ photography
Ohio-born photographer Ave Pildas’ 70s images of nudes, un-airbrushed in strange and often funny positions are proof of what is missing in contemporary depictions of the body. Ave’s black and white photographs play with pattern and framing, with the figure very much part of broader compositions, often of repeated dots and textures. They are unabashedly full-frontal and the women posing project sass, humour and the sense that they are very much in control.
There’s butts and legs covered in and surrounded by polka dots, women holding strung frames as both a sort of concealment and a potential musical instrument, and more traditional posing amongst cascading fabrics. The series is currently on show at Qlick Editions, Amsterdam and will be touring at Art in The Hague and the Affordable Art Fair Hamburg.
Ave Pildas: Teapot
Ave Pildas: Herald Examiner
Ave Pildas: Silent
Ave Pildas: Fingernails
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About the Author
Billie studied illustration at Camberwell College of Art before completing an MA in Visual Communication at the Royal College of Art. She joined It’s Nice That as a Freelance Editorial Assistant back in January 2015 and continues to work with us on a freelance basis.