Animation: Ambitious 4000 frame animation inspired by Heavy Metal patch embroidery
The rules are you can’t wear a denim jacket with metal patches on unless you are GENUINELY into it. The heavy metal rule book does not state, however, that you can’t make a ludicrously ambitious animation inspired by the patches that have forever been sewn directly on to its very heart. Nice, creative young men Tom Bunker and Nicos Livesy have decided to drop what they’re doing and embark on this very mission, and are in the process of raising money to complete the most intricate, time consuming, metal-inspired, embroidered animation for Nicos’ band, Throne. Is there anything more metal than pouring your blood sweat and tears into something absolutely shitting awesome? Didn’t think so. Get your mind blown even more (particularly in the “process section”) over here on their Kickstarter.
Nicos Livesey and Tom Bunker: Tharsis Sleeps
Nicos Livesey and Tom Bunker: Tharsis Sleeps
Nicos Livesey and Tom Bunker: Tharsis Sleeps
Nicos Livesey and Tom Bunker: Tharsis Sleeps
Nicos Livesey and Tom Bunker: Tharsis Sleeps
Nicos Livesey and Tom Bunker: Tharsis Sleeps
Nicos Livesey and Tom Bunker: Tharsis Sleeps
Nicos Livesey and Tom Bunker: Tharsis Sleeps
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About the Author
Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.