Alexander Coggin casts a surreal light across domestic scenes
Alexander Coggin’s photographs remind me of those scenes in sci-fi films when you see everything from the perspective of an extra-terrestrial who’s just landed on Earth for the first time. A master of the white balance, he somehow manages to cast a coolly detached, slightly surreal light over the everyday domestic scenes that pervade his portfolio, making everything from a green marble sink to a tray of readymade hors d’oeuvres seem completely new and slightly out of touch. He’s just updated his website with loads of new work which proves my point adeptly. See more from him here.
Alexander Coggin: Untitled
Alexander Coggin: Untitled
Alexander Coggin: Untitled
Alexander Coggin: Untitled
Alexander Coggin: Untitled
Alexander Coggin: Untitled
Alexander Coggin: Untitled
Alexander Coggin: Untitled
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.