If Drawings Were Photographs

26 November 2009

We’re pleased to announce a new addition to our shop, in the shape of If Drawings Were photographs – the first ever zine published by It’s Nice That. The brainchild of designer Rob Matthews and Illustrator Tom Edwards, put simply – “Tom gave drawings to Rob and Rob tried to make them into photographs.”

A genuinely wonderful idea that we’re honoured to be associated with. We’ve got a little launch party tonight and the book’s available to order from today. Read on to see more spreads from the zine and a little interview with Rob and Tom.

Hey guys, nice idea! Who came up with it? Can you give us a little summary of what the book’s all about?

Tom: Rob came up with the idea and then asked me to do the drawings. The book is essentially about trying to recreate my drawings as photographs using anything that Rob could find.

How did you both meet? Had you worked on projects before?

T: We met at University on a trip that the Graphics and Illustration courses took to New York. We hadn’t worked together before as Rob was the year above me.
Rob: But I knew Tom’s work and thought his style of illustration suited the idea perfectly.

How many compositions didn’t make the book?

R: There were quite a few drawings considered that we didn’t end up using, probably around 10. All the drawings we used were taken from Tom’s sketch book, as we didn’t want him to draw them knowing they were going to be interpreted as photographs.

Are there plans to extend the project any further?

R: We’re undecided; originally we liked the idea of leaving it, as we feel the idea’s been done now. Although we do like the possibility of re-doing it with each page being done by a different illustrator and photographer.

Tom, what’s your favourite ever drawing, Rob, what’s your favourite ever photograph?

T: My favourite drawing at the moment is a woolwork picture done by a sailor in 1875 which has a funny Lion and Unicorn on it.
R: My favourite photo at the moment is a really grainy, black and white photo of someone in the rain, by Jack Seigel.

You’ll be able to get your hands on the zine tomorrow evening at our little launch exhibition at KK Outlet, or alternatively order from our online shop and we’ll ship all copies by the end of the week. Please join us for a celebratory drink, and a good nose through a great piece of print – if you’d like to come just e-mail us with your name on rsvp@itsnicethat.com

If Drawings Were Photographs Launch
Thursday 26th November,
7pm — 9pm
KK Outlet, 42 Hoxton Square,
London. N1 6PB

A huge thanks also to Magners for supplying the drinks for the evening.

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About the Author

Alex Bec

Alex is the CEO of It’s Nice That. He oversees the commercial side of It’s Nice That, Creative Lives in Progress and If You Could Jobs.

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